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Research Activities

Facilitating high-calibre research of its staff, students and visiting scholars is one of the fundamental aims of the SRU.  Aided by a specialist library, on-campus collections and a network of research collaborators in the UK and abroad, SRU research is committed to widening knowledge about the arts and cultures of Africa, the Pacific and the Americas. 

In addition to the regional specialisations, SRU research is interested in informed, cross-cultural comparisons between the different geographic regions, such as in the technology of making, objects in ritual, monuments and landscape, value and valuables, memory and ancestors, and collections/displays.  Besides the geographic reach, the research projects of staff, students and fellows often seek to transcend traditional boundaries of disciplines (such as art history, anthropology and archaeology), especially their associated forms of evidence, methods of enquiry, and theoretical perspectives.  Fieldwork in the different regions is also vital in SRU research – to develop new data and understandings while deepening familiarity/engagement with local groups, environments and materials.

Staff research projects have resulted in publications, exhibitions, catalogues, symposia and lectures, which are aimed at both scholarly and general audiences.

Current research projects of staff and affiliates include:

Earlier research projects include:

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