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Image, Word, Music: an Art
Debate on Religious Mediation

A Symposium

at the Sainsbury Research Unit
for the Arts of Africa, Oceania and the Americas
University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK
6 – 7 Nov 2009

A symposium convened by Dr Aristóteles Barcelos Neto, of the Sainsbury Research Unit.

Discussant: Dr Matthew Engelke, London School of Economics and Political Science

The aim of this symposium was to create a dialogue at the crossroads of art and religion. The last major contribution on mediation (Latour & Weibel, 2002) was mainly focused on the properties of images. It would be an interesting challenge to broaden this debate by including music, poetry, text and body art. The symposium focused on topics such as the immanence of image and objects, the denial of religious mediation, electronic music in indigenous churches, sacrifice, spirit possession in Evangelical cults, iconoclasm and so forth. The explosion of the "religions of the Word" in Africa, Latin America and Asia Pacific brings new challenges to the historic and ethnographic understanding of what an image is and what it means when native peoples decide to abandon or to hide them.


Day 1 – Friday 6 November
Elizabeth Fry building, room 01.02


Registration and welcome




Prof John Mack, University of East Anglia
Spirits without passports: possession in Africa and cosmopolitan contexts


Prof Sandy Heslop, University of East Anglia
The Lollard 'heresy' in late medieval England and the denial of   mediation


Coffee break at Elizabeth Fry building entrance hall


Dr Margit Thøfner, University of East Anglia
Protestant visions: images and music in the early modern Lutheran Church


Dr Suzel Reily, Queen's University Belfast
Local music making and the liturgical renovation in Minas Gerais, Brazil


Debate lead by Dr Matthew Engelke, London School of Economics and Political Science


Drinks reception at the School of World Art Studies and Museology


Dinner at Vista, University Plain

Day 2 – Saturday 7 November
Elizabeth Fry building, room 01.02

09:20 Prof Joel Robbins, University of Califonia, San Diego
Keeping God's Distance: Sacrifice, Possession, and the Problem of Religious Mediation
10:05 Dr Aristoteles Barcelos Neto, University of East Anglia
‘What is religion? It is to adore images’: re-inventing idolatry as alterity process in Catholic Peru
10:50 Coffee break at Elizabeth Fry building entrance hall
11:20 Prof Beth Conklin, Vanderbilt University, Nashville
Sing our body electric: electronic church music as experimental space for emerging indigenous empowerment in Latin America
12:05 Debate lead by Dr Matthew Engelke, London School of Economics and Political Science
13:00 Lunch at the School of World Art Studies and Museology
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